Friends of Hospitality


The Hospitality Industry touches every Islander one way or another on a daily basis:

That morning coffee, trip to the gym, taxi ride, sandwich for lunch, drink out with friends, round of golf, trip with the family to a castle, your favourite festival, maybe a staycation, dinner out etc. It’s the ‘heart beat’ of our Island, what make Jersey a special and fun place to call home.

Maybe it was this unique hospitality offering that made you choose to call Jersey home, or locate your company here? Maybe it because you realise the value that our industry delivers to either yourself of your employee’s life style and wellness?

Whatever reason you value and love hospitality, we’d like to thank you for becoming a FRIEND OF HOSPITALITY and for supporting your Island’s Hospitality Association. It’s your kind donation and support that enables us to keep doing the work we do, ensuring that Jersey continues to have a vibrant hospitality in the future.

You are not only our FRIENDS, you are our CHAMPIONS and we’ll be sure to tell everyone we can about your support.